第2章 判例の要旨
第6 タイ
2 意匠権関連判例・審決例 P.113
(1)自転車用泥除け意匠権侵害訴訟(Magic Cycle Industrial v. A N T Commercial & Others) P.113
(2)金網意匠無効請求訴訟(Thai Mesh v. Billion Mesh Industry) P.114
(3)ストロー意匠無効請求訴訟(B&B Straw Pack v. B.D. Straws & Anor) P.116
(4)コップ意匠異議申立訴訟(Thai Elephant Cup v. Department of Intellectual Property & Others) P.118
(5)テーブル脚意匠無効請求訴訟(Duriflex v. Practika) P.119
(6)天板意匠無効審決取消請求訴訟(DCON Products Public v. Department of Intellectual Property) P.121
第2章 判例の要旨
第3 マレーシア
1 商標権関連判例・審決例 P.27
(1)SJAMエンブレム商標権侵害訴訟(St. John Ambulans Malaysia v. PJ Uniform) P.27
(2)WB Fresh Coconut商標権侵害訴訟(WB Fresh Coconut Supplier v. Gan Boon Wah & Anor) P.31
(3)Smiling Fish Brand商標権等侵害訴訟(Kuang Pei San Food Products v. Wees Marketing) P.32
(4)CHIPSMORE商標権侵害訴訟(Danone Biscuits Manufacturing v. Hwa Tai Industries) P.35
(5)Lady Gold商標権侵害訴訟(Keep Good Feel & Anor v. Pharma World & Others) P.36
(6)A1 BAK KUT TEH商標異議申立訴訟(A. K. Koh Enterprise v. A1 Best One Food Industry) P.38
(7)Hansa商標異議申立訴訟(Solid Corporation v. Sun Yuen Rubber Manufacturing Co & Anor) P.40
(8)Mulberry商標異議申立事件(Saujana Hotel v. Mulberry Company (Design)) P.42
(9)Viartril-S商標権侵害訴訟(Rtta Research Laboratorium & Anor v. Ho Tack Sien & Others) P.43